Join BLM film club co-founder Shelley Smith and fellow Columbia alumni for a discussion of the feature length documentary Whose Streets? and the short film Verbatim: The Ferguson Case.
Whose Streets (1 hour and 42 minutes): Told by the activists and leaders who live and breathe this movement for justice, an unflinching look at the Ferguson uprising. When unarmed teenager Michael Brown is killed by police and left lying in the street for hours, it marks a breaking point for the residents of St. Louis, Missouri. Grief, long-standing racial tensions and renewed anger bring residents together to hold vigil and protest this latest tragedy. Empowered parents, artists, and teachers from around the country come together as freedom fighters. As the National Guard descends on Ferguson with military grade weaponry, these young community members become the torchbearers of a new resistance.
Verbatim:The Ferguson Case (17 minutes): Unarmed black teenager Michael Brown was shot by a police officer in Ferguson, Missouri. Using court transcripts from the case, this short film juxtaposes the reenacted testimony of two key witnesses: Dorian Johnson and the police officer himself, Darren Wilson.
Watch The Documentaries In Advance of the Event
Rent Whose Streets Here:
Watch Verbatim: The Ferguson Case for Free on You Tube:
Date: Thursday, May 27
Time: 6:30 p.m. CDT
Location: Zoom Video Conference
Cost: Free