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The person who selected A Canticle for Leibowitz explains: "The reason I like "A Canticle For Leibowitz" is that it makes you think. The book is divided into three parts (Fiat Homo, Fiat Lux, and Fiat Voluntas Tua), and they make you think in monotonic progression -- the second part makes you think more than the first part, and by the time you get to the third part, every page is making you think, about important things.
The year after its 1960 publication, "A Canticle For Leibowitz" won the Hugo award for best science fiction or fantasy novel (it did not win the Nebula award, but it could not have, because its publication predated the Nebula awards, which were first awarded in 1965).
If you have a computer with Internet connectivity, then you can read the book in the comfort of your own home, without bestirring yourself to go to the library, because it is available at