The Virtual Book Club Discusses “The Counterfeit Countess” by White and Sliwa

Join host David Hartmann and fellow Columbia alumni as the book club discusses The Counterfeit Countess: The Jewish Woman Who Rescued Thousands of Poles During the Holocaust; a selection by book club member John J. Kulczycki.

The Counterfeit Countess tells the remarkable, unknown story of “Countess Janina Suchodolska,” a Jewish woman who rescued more than 10,000 Poles imprisoned by Poland’s Nazi occupiers. Mehlberg operated in Lublin, Poland, headquarters of Aktion Reinhard, the SS operation that murdered 1.7 million Jews in occupied Poland. Using the identity papers of a Polish aristocrat, she worked as a welfare official while also serving in the Polish resistance. Drawing on the manuscript of Mehlberg’s own unpublished memoir, supplemented with prodigious research, Elizabeth White and Joanna Sliwa, professional historians and Holocaust experts, have uncovered the full story of this remarkable woman.

Date: Wednesday, December 11, 2024

Times: 6:30PM Central, 7:30PM Eastern, 4:30PM Pacific. For those in Europe the time is 12:30AM in London on December 12.

Location: Zoom Video Conference

Cost: Free



December 11, 2024 at 6:30pm - 8:30pm

Zoom Video Confgerence

Chicago, IL
United States

David Hartmann


Will you come?